Fracking for Coal Bed Methane and Underground Coal Gasification

Come and find out why this is happening, what these technologies involve and what you can do to stop them

Discussion, Films and short presentations by:

Aidan Ricketts: Author of recently released Activists’ Handbook and activist with the Lock the Gate Alliance, the massively successful Australian anti-Coal Seam Gas campaign

Coal Action Network: Talking about open-cast mining and resistance. What we can learn from the fight against open-cast

Frack Off: Giving a brief overview of the situation in the UK. Fracking for Coal Bed Methane and Underground Coal Gasification. Why this is happening, where it is happening and what these technologies involve.

Tuesday, 4th Sept, 6.30pm,
Room G22-6, South Block,
Senate House, Malet Street,
London, WC1E 7HU

A Facebook event can be found here

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